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Brian Deiker has always had a passion for acquiring new physical skills. As early as he can remember, he says, "I've been fascinated by how the human body learns and moves, and to this day, that interest hasn't diminished." 
As time passed, Brian expanded his curiosity and directed more of his attention toward the science of how and why the human brain is so adept at learning physical skills. Finally, interestingly enough, he found the answer that would confirm what he already believed to be accurate, and that is the human brain is specifically designed to perform complex movements.

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Equipped with a wide variety of skills and better educated in the sciences, Brian shares his findings. While doing so, he demonstrates what's possible when you provide your brain with what it needs to learn, retain, maintain, and ultimately be able to recall a learned skill for future use. In addition, Brian also presents a strong argument as to why quick learning systems could be better in most situations. He adds, "With over 8,000,000,000 uniquely designed brains living on the planet, it is impossible to accommodate each of these brains with a one-size-fits-all system. And, because there are far too many variables to be considered, you can't dismiss them from the learning process."
Brian draws from his experience yet recognizes that science must take center stage to help support his stance in disputing these types of claims. With over 30,000 hours of research and observation, Brian helps others better understand how the brain learns by sharing his unique balance of experience and science. He aims to restore everyone's confidence so they can experience what he likes to call "The Science Behind an Awesome Day." 

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